Contact DataScout

38 W. Trenton, Suite 101, Fayetteville, AR 72701


Phone: (479) 521-5607 ext.933


Phone: (888) 565-4530 ext.3

Faulkner County, AR

New Storm Shelter Request Form

All information provided is used to accurately record your storm shelter location and will be stored in the local emergency management database for response purposes only.
An accurately located address is essential to assure emergency services can find this location in an emergency. Please fill in the information in this form as fully and accurately as possible.

Contact information for the individual filling out this form

Please provide as much detail as possible to help us locate the structure.

Zoom into the map to find the location of the storm shelter. You can use your mouse and scroll wheel to pan and zoom the map if using your computer. If on a mobile device with location services enabled, you can click the "Locate Me!" button below which will pinpoint your current location on the map.
Once you have found your structure location, click or tap on it and then click the "Update Location To Here" button that appears on the map. A red pin symbol will appear on the location. If the location is incorrect, you can can select a different location on the map through the same process.
You must select a location before submitting your request. Please be as accurate as possible and add any extra notes in the "Location Description" textbox above.

I'm not sure my location is correct, please contact me for further details